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Botox Specialist

Jana HealthCare

Laila Farhat, MD

Internist & Obesity Medicine Specialist located in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY

Men and women can’t stop raving about the sensational anti-wrinkle effects of a few simple injections of Botox®. At Jana HealthCare in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, internist Laila Farhat, MD, assesses the severity of your wrinkles to decide if Botox can help. If you need safe and effective Botox injections to smooth your wrinkles and erase fine lines, call the New York City clinic or book your consultation online today.

Botox Q & A

What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable drug that works by blocking the signals from your nerves that tell your muscles when to flex. This simple mechanism is useful in alleviating wrinkles and fine lines that appear with age. 

The active ingredient in Botox, called botulinum toxin, is a bacteria found in nature. At Jana HealthCare, Dr. Farhat precisely injects the substance in small quantities that aren’t harmful to your health. 

As the most popular cosmetic treatment available, patients trust Botox to give them natural looking and aesthetically pleasing results.

What can Botox do?

Botox has a growing list of applications in medicine. The most popular use of the injections are for cosmetic purposes. Specifically, Botox relaxes the overworked muscles that cause wrinkles and lines to form on your skin. 

Dr. Farhat might recommend Botox injections as a treatment for:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Lip lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Chin dimples
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Frown lines
  • Droopy eyebrows

If Dr. Farhat feels that Botox would be a valuable addition to your treatment plan, she’ll let you know and discuss the potential results with you. The results of Botox last for three to six months, and Dr. Farhat can map out a treatment plan for you to continue enjoying them.

Am I a good candidate for Botox injections?

Dr. Farhat will go over your medical history and goals with Botox to decide whether or not it’s your best option for wrinkle relief. 

You may be a good candidate for Botox if you:

  • Are bothered by wrinkles, folds, and lines
  • Aren’t allergic to any of its ingredients
  • Don’t have a skin infection near the injection area
  • Are in generally good health
  • Have realistic expectations for your new appearance
  • Understand the risks involved

Botox injections are perfectly safe when they’re administered correctly. However, you must be aware of its limitations and the potential for some minor side effects.

What are the possible side effects of Botox?

Botox injections can cause a few mild side effects, but most patients agree that they’re tolerable. Common side effects include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Redness or swelling
  • Pain at the injection site

If you experience rare side effects that are more severe like breathing problems, call Jana HealthCare immediately. 

Cosmetic Botox injections are popular for a reason. To see a new, younger you when you look in the mirror, call Jana HealthCare or book an appointment online to find out if you’re a candidate for Botox today.