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Satisfying Sweet Tooth During Ramadan

Chia Seed Pudding

So, here  is a nice way of satisfying sweet tooth by doing chia seed pudding in the month of Ramadan. It’s very filling and it also tastes really good. It’s also a healthy  alternative for desserts that most likely people do while opening the fast. 

Most people who are following their regimen they don’t do the desserts or sweet stuff instead of that they would like to do fruits aka nature’s candy and chia seeds pudding. 

Because of high  soluble fiber it would help in satiety and sustain the fast very well if we have that for suhur and while opening fast. Especially at iftar if we have this as our first food then it would mostly likely aid in eating less and prevent binge eating. 

Overall, it will help in weight loss as well. If you like to lose weight in Ramadan and if you would stick to a regimen you lose some weight because anyways we are doing kind of  of intermittent fasting as well. 

How to make it? 

☄️4 tablespoons of chia seeds 
☄️1 cane of unsweetened light organic coconut milk 
☄️A drizzle of agave nectar 
☄️Some sliced almonds 
☄️Handful of blueberries 
☄️Hint of coconut flakes 

In a bowl  add chia seeds and coconut milk and whisk it well. Put the mixture in Maison jar and refrigerate it for overnight or for few hours. 

Next morning or after few hours take the jar out of fridge and top it off with berries, almonds and coconut flakes. It’s delicious, nourishing and very quick to prep as well. 

No matter if you have it at iftar or at suhur it makes an excellent choice to satisfy the sweet tooth during the Ramadan.  


Jana HealthCare WeightLossTeam Dr. Farhat offers medical weight loss coaching and counseling to help you lose weight and keep it off. If you’re uncomfortable with your size or just want to live a healthier lifestyle, don’t hesitate to call the clinic or book your weight loss consultation online today.

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